Join us for worship in-person or online Sundays at 9:15 am Find the Livestream HERE.

Welcome, Inclusion, Celebration, And Advocacy Statement:

Because we are loved by God, New Day Lutheran Church is a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation that welcomes all people. We invite you to join us in our commitment to support and advocate for:

People of every color, culture, and ethnic background

People of every gender identity and sexual orientation

People of all mental and physical abilities

People who are single, widowed, divorced, separated, partnered, blessed, or married

People of all ages, political persuasions, levels of education

People of every economic circumstance or social status

People of any religious affiliation or none

People of all family configurations

People who speak languages other than english

People who have felt excluded or marginalized

We commit ourselves to embracing the work of anti-racism, social and economic justice, and environmental care.

We encourage all people to participate in the sacraments and all aspects of the life of our church.

Worship With Us

Worship is at 9:15am on Sundays with communion

Click on Events which is our calendar to see our holiday schedule!


You can come in your Sunday best, you can come in jeans and a t-shirt, or you can even come in your pajamas! God calls us to come just as we are and we welcome you, just as you are! Feel free to bring in any snacks & drinks as well.

Family Friendly

Kids are a part of our community and of God's family, so we welcome them and want them to be a part of our worship together. We have kids activity sheets and worship bags for kids to help them connect with the service and keep them entertained. The congregation truly feels blessed to have children present during service, and understand fully that can mean a little extra noise, after all children are children with little attention spans and big emotions. Please know and be assured they do not mind! It warms their hearts to hear that noise!

Everyone Is Involved

For us, worship is not a concert or a spectator's sport. Worship involves full participation. We all make up the body of Christ and in worship God meets us where we are and calls us all to worship together as a community in Christ. We will sing hymns together, pray together, share God's peace with one another, and share communion together each week.

Communion is Open to All

We celebrate communion every week. And, as Jesus said on the night he was betrayed, his blood was shed for ALL people for the forgiveness of sin. Therefore ALL people are welcome at the Lord's Table.

Fellowship Hour

Every Sunday after worship, we have time set aside for an opportunity to catch up over drinks and snacks and get to know one another a little better. This is a great time to meet some new people! Join us downstairs in the fellowship hall!

Reconciling In Christ

We have been a Reconciling In Christ congregation since January 22, 2012. 

ELCA congregation

We have been an ELCA congregation since May 5, 2019.

Welcome to an Inclusive Lutheran Community in Idaho Falls

Welcome to New Day Lutheran Church in Idaho Falls, where every day brings a new opportunity to experience God's love and grace. We are dedicated to fostering a vibrant and inclusive community where all are welcome, regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religious ...

Embracing Diversity in Our Christian Community

At our core, we are a Christian community fueled by a fervent passion for spreading the boundless love and grace of God to every soul. Here, within the embrace of our fellowship, there are no barriers, no exclusions. Regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religious ...

Saved by Grace: Our Unshakeable Belief

We believe that we are saved by grace. We don't do things to "earn" our way into heaven or to earn God's forgiveness and love. Through the person of Jesus Christ and through his death and resurrection, we were given full access to God's love, forgiveness and grace now and forever through God's Spirit. And nothing can ever take that away from us.

As it says in Romans 8:38-39, "For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord...

Kind Words

Mailing Address

New Day Lutheran Church
2184 Channing Way #474
Idaho Falls, ID 83404

"A New Command I Give You: Love One Another. As I Have Loved You, So You Must Love One Another." - John 13:34

We're here to listen, support, and welcome you into our inclusive community at New Day Lutheran Church. Let's start a conversation and explore together the boundless love and grace of God.